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Yes, my dad's name is Charles , 

my mom's name is Linda and well you guessed it


Born and raised in South Minneapolis, Minnesota both my parents enriched my life with all mediums of art. You name it I was involved in dance, theater, music and various art courses. 

My fondest memories are during the spring/summer when my mom would take me to the rose garden near the lakes and we’d paint watercolors of the roses.

"Take Chances, Make Mistakes and Get Messy!"

- Ms Frizzle, Magic School Bus

My life motto is a quote referenced from one of my favorite cartoons as a kid. As a designer I strive to keep challenging myself to find fun creative ways to express ideas. I charge my creative battery through traveling, taking walks in neighborhoods that are waiting to be explored and coffee...always coffee. 

I love to work in a positive enriching environment that allows for independent projects and team collaboration. I value the opinions of those around me and welcome input on projects that help it successfully grow. I find communication, focus, and curiosity all important assets that I can contribute to a workplace.

I am Marie Kondo approved, if you hire me I will spark joy in your office. 

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